Legal notices

The information and publications contained on this website are exclusively for purposes of general information. They do not constitute advice. The use of this information lies within the sole responsibility of the user. G + S Treuhand AG accepts no liability for the correctness of the information here contained or for any errors, mistakes and consequences of or in connection with the use of this website. For the contents of websites, which refer to ours or to which we refer, we accept no liability.

The use of this website and the sending of electronic messages does not constitute a client relationship. A client relationship arises only on acceptance of an oral or written engagement. Electronic messages are sent to our company at the risk of the sender. Even though we make every effort to process e-mails on time, their reception may be delayed for technical and operating reasons. We therefore give no guarantee for timely processing of e-mails and ask for your understanding that communication by e-mail is for technical reasons neither secure nor confidential